Power plants

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Power plants

Turkish wind

As of 2023, Turkey has 11 GW of installed wind power capacity. This represents just over a third of the country’s goal to have 30 GW of installed capacity by 2035. In Turkey, wind represents an attractive alternative to fossil fuels not just because of its environmental benefits: it is expected that new wind power will be cheaper than all existing coal plants by 2027.

Power plants

European biomass

In Europe, the Renewable Energy Directive II includes sustainably produced biomass to count towards renewable energy targets. Biomass has been and continues to be the main source of renewable energy in Europe, representing close to 60%.

Power plants

Philippine hydro

There are around 70 hydroplants in the Philippines, totalling an installed capacity of over 3,700 MW. Despite limited capacity growth over the past few years, hydropower still represents just under 20% of installed capacity.

Power plants

Danish biomass

Biomass is the source of more than two thirds of the renewable energy in Denmark, and accounts for a greater share of the total energy mix than coal and gas combined.

Power plants

Kazakhstani Hydro

Kazakhstan has important hydro potential, thanks mainly to the Irtysh, Ili and Syrdarya rivers. However, this potential remains somewhat unexploited, as hydro represents only 2% of total electricity generation in Kazakhstan, and only 12% of installed capacity.

Power plants

Taiwanese hydro

Taiwan has a history of promoting emissions reduction and renewable energy generation. By 2025, the country aims to produce 20% of its electricity from renewable sources. Hydropower accounts for a little over 1% of the country’s electricity mix.

Power plants

Moroccan solar

Solar power in Morocco increased 16-fold between 2009 and 2020, and Morocco aims to source 20% of its electricity from solar by 2030.

Power plants

Moroccan wind

Morocco has favourable conditions for wind power. While it has the potential for 25 GW of wind, less than 2 GW are currently installed. Nonetheless, wind capacity is being developed at a rapid pace.

Power plants

Philippine biomass

Biomass is the third largest source of energy in the Philippines, and the largest source of renewable energy.

Power plants

Japanese solar

Since the Fukushima nuclear disaster of 2011, Japanese energy policies have shifted significantly towards renewable energy sources. Japan remains considerably ahead of its solar capacity targets.