Power plants

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Power plants

Vietnamese small hydro

Over the past 15 years, small hydropower in Vietnam has undergone rapid and effective development. Just under 2 GW of capacity were added between 2009 and 2018, up from close to zero.

Power plants

Norwegian hydro

Hydropower has been a vital mode of electricity production in the country for over a century. With 33 GW of installed capacity, hydro produces over 95% of Norway’s electricity.

Power plants

UAE solar

The UAE is aptly located for solar power. Indeed, it represents over 90% of the country’s installed renewable capacity, with 2.3 GW.

Power plants

Indonesian hydro

5 886 MW of installed hydropower capacity in Indonesia generate over 17 TWh of electricity per year. Howerver, it is estimated that Indonesia’s potential is closer to 75 GW.

Power plants

Colombian hydro

Colombia has the third largest installed hydropower capacity in South America, with just under 12 GW. Hydropower makes up over 70% of national installed energy capacity and electricity generation.

Power plants

Philippine geothermal

Thanks to its location on the Ring of Fire zone of Pacific volcanoes, the Philippines is one of the top geothermal energy producers in the world – second only to the United States, according to the International Geothermal Association. As of 2017, the Philippines had 1.9 GW of installed geothermal capacity.

Power plants

Norwegian wind

Norway boasts 53 wind farms, totalling an installed capacity of approximately 4 GW. This generates 13 TWh of electricity in a year, around 10% of the country’s electricity production. Wind power is relatively new to Norway, as the first wind farm was put into operation in 2002, but investment in wind power has increased significantly in recent years.

Power plants

Sri Lankan hydro

Hydro is a prevalent energy source in Sri Lanka, with over 1,700 MW of installed capacity producing over 4.5 TWh annually. Between 2018 and 2037, Sri Lanka plans to add more than 1,000 MW of hydro capacity, in a bid to meet its goals of 70% renewable energy production by 2030 and net carbon zero by 2050.

Power plants

Japanese biomass

Japan currently has around 5 GW of installed biomass capacity, and the government’s 6th Strategic Energy Plan outlines a target of 8 GW by 2030. Achieving this target would mean covering 5% of the country’s anticipated demand for energy in 2030. According to Switwzerland Global Enterprise, the Japanese biomass market is currently expected to grow by over 5% annually until 2025 and just under 4% annually in the ten years following.

Power plants

Mexican wind

By the end of 2021, renewable energy represented 25% of Mexico’s energy generation, including 6% of wind. However, despite boasting significant wind power potential according to the US Department of Energy, which estimates Mexico’s potential at 3,670 GW, Mexico only possesses 8.3 GW of installed capacity.