Power plants

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Power plants

Sauda II, Dalvatn

The Dalvatn power station is located by the Dalvatn lake in Norway. The original Sauda II plant was built in 1922, and the new one in 2006.

Power plants

Tafjord I

Tafjord I is a hydropower plant located in Tafjordbygda, in Norway. The renovated plant, which started producing electricity in 1989, was built as replacement for the original Tafjord I, which dates back to 1923. Until 1952, the original Tafjord I supplied electricity to Ålesund and the surrounding area.

Power plants

Central Santa Elena

The Santa Elena plant is located in a remote area in the Araucanía region, far from any other energy production centres. The hydropower plant improves the quality of the local energy by reducing the need for energy transportation over hundreds of kilometers in these remote places, avoiding higher costs from losses in energy.

Power plants

Tafjord 4

Tafjord 4 takes advantage of the fall from Zakariasvatn to the fjord, and the catchment area from Muldal. The station is located in the mountains in Tafjordbygda and
is the largest of the stations in operation by Tafjord.

Power plants

Park Wiatrowy Wielkopolska

With a wind power generating capacity of 52.5 MW, Wielkopolska wind park is one of the country’s largest and technically most advanced wind farms. The farm consists of 21 wind turbines in seven sites around Poznan that delivers clean wind energy to 45,000 households. E.ON, Wielkopolska wind park’s owner, ranks among the top five companies generating wind power in Poland, making it one of the most important investors in the development of green power in the country.

Power plants

Lemvig Biogas

Lemvig Biogas has been the largest biogas plant in Denmark since 1992. It utilises waste and residual products (fish, organic household, pharmaceutical wastes, etc.) to generate heat and power. The biogas plant generates more than 33 million kWh electricity per year – covering the annual electricity consumption for 22,000 people.

Power plants


Nybrufoss is located in the middle of Kongsberg, a small town in Eastern Norway.
The dam and the canal is from 1891, while the powerplant was built in 1911. In 2013 the plant was rebuilt and today it has an installed capacity of 3 MW and an annual production of 25 GWh.

Power plants


Trælandsfos is a hydro plant on the river Kvina in Kvinesdal, Vest-Agder County. A wood pulp factory was established here in 1910. Back then, the hydro power was used to run the machines directly by belt drive. In 1917 the first power plant was built, the wood pulp factory was later moved to another location after more than 50 years of operation.

Power plants


The waterfall Mossefossen was the foundation for the industry in the city Moss and it has given life to saw mills, ironworks, a brewery, paper industry and several other ventures. The first power plant was built back in 1883 while the current station is from 1985.

Power plants

Central El Atajo

The El Atajo plant, which started generating electricity in 2020, makes use of water runoff from local irrigation channels to produce renewable electricity. It generates 9.5 GWh per year, thanks to its total capacity of 2 MW.